Wednesday, May 24, 2006

Blogging Etiquitte: What do I do when someone else comments on my blog?

If someone has left a comment on your blog and you would like them to continue reading your blog, it is a good idea to respond to their comment. If you do not respond to a comment, there is a high likelihood that the person who left the comment will not read your blog again. One of the reasons why blogs are popular is because the readers and writers can interact with each other. If the reader cannot interact with the writer, then the reader will probably stop reading the blog.

Here are your options for responding to a comment:
1) Write a comment under the post that you received a comment on.
2) Write a comment under the post that you received a comment on and e-mail your it to the person whom you are replying to.
3) Write a comment under the post you received a comment on and write a comment on the blog of the person to whom you are replying to.

I recommend option 2 or 3 because it shows the reader that you appreciate them reading your blog and want to continue the exchange. When you click on the blogging name of the person who left a comment, usually there are links to either the persons blog or e-mail address.


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