Friday, June 23, 2006

Blogging Task 9: Giving Advice Based On Mr. M's Lecture

In your blogs, please write a post for people who do not know Japanese schools but will be working in a Junior High School. The people who you are writing to can either be a teacher trainee (kyouiku jisshuusei), an ALT or another group you can think of!
In your post, based on MNr. M's lecture and your own experience as a student or teacher, give your readers information you think they will need to be a successful teacher in a Japanese Junior High School.
In my own blog, I wrote a message to ALTs based on Mr. M's lecture and my own experience. You can read the post here.


Blogger JH said...

Thank you for your question.
I am asking you to write a note to an ALT or teacher trainee(教育実習生)to give them advice about working in a Japanese junior high school. You can use information from Mr. M's lecture and your own experience to give advice.
Kapeesh? If you do not understand please stop by my office and I will explain it to you. If you read the post I wrote on my personal blog I think that it will be easier for you to understand what I would like you to do. I also recommend that you read the post on Happy Day's blog.

3:40 PM  

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